
[Azure Automation] Source Control integration with Github

Posted by Florent Appointaire on May 24, 2019

[Azure Automation] Source Control

Today I’ll explain a new feature that I discovered last during the PowerShell Saturday User Group in Paris, the integration between Azure Automation and Github. This integration will give you the possibility to have a control on your sources.

To start, go to your Azure Automation account and go on Source Control. Click on Add:

Azure Automation account and go on Source Control

Give a name, on Choose control choose your source, Github (this is the only one available when I’m writing this article) and click on Authenticate to provide the access to your Github account:

Give a name, on Choose control choose your source

On the Repository section, select the folder where your Azure Automation scripts are or will be saved. On the Branch part, choose your branch, master in my case. On the Folder Path part, specify if scripts are located in a specific folder. In my case, I dedicated a specific folder for that, it’s why I provided the root path. You can choose to auto sync the account when a commit is done on Github and click on Save to finish:

Source Contriol Summary

If a script exists in your Github folder, click on Sync to import it:

If a script exists in your Github folder, click on Sync

When it’s done, the status is Completed:

When it’s done, the status is Completed

And the script appeared as a runbook:

The script appeared as a runbook

You can check logs and see that Github pushed the version of the script:

You can check logs and see that Github pushed the version of the script

If you update locally your script, push it to Github, it will do the sync automatically:

automatical sync

View published source

Source control

This feature is very interesting to have a Source Control for your Azure Automation scripts, for free. I hope that others Source control provider will appear soon.

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