How to create a bucket and upload files on Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
Posted by Karim Buzdar on August 3, 2020

If you are a developer or system administrator, Google Cloud Storage (GCS) is a must-use platform for working with arrays of data sets. Using this unified object storage platform, you can store, organize, and access the data with reliability and no sweat. Do you want to know how to organize the storage process?


How to Add Lifecycle Rule for a Cloud Storage Bucket
Posted by Karim Buzdar on June 2, 2020

Google Cloud Storage offers virtually unlimited storage options for its customers, and the proper use of its features allows decreasing the total cost of data storage. The Object Lifecycle Management is one of these features thanks to which you can control the ways of storing data in the storage, thereby reducing the cost and time spent on managing the data. Are you keen on automating data operations and saving money?


How to Upload File Buckets on Google Cloud Storage
Posted by Karim Buzdar on March 13, 2020

Cloud Storage provides virtually unlimited storage options for any amount of data worldwide. In this sense, Google Cloud Storage uses the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) infrastructure so you can serve website content, store data for archiving and disaster recovery purposes, and much more. Bucket creation is a paramount step when working with Google Cloud Storage as it allows you to access any file and any piece of object meta data at any time. Do you want to learn all the ins and outs of working with GCP and creating the sample buckets for your Google Cloud project?
