[PowerShell] Create a DSC server on Azure
Posted by Florent Appointaire on August 12, 2019
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Today I’ll show you how to deploy a DSC server on Azure. This server will have the function of reference server, and will be the PULL server to store configurations.


Connecting On-Premises Windows Servers to Azure Monitor
Posted by Nicolas Prigent on July 26, 2019

You can extend on-premises deployments of Windows Server to the cloud by using Azure Hybrid Services. Azure Hybrid Services work with Windows Servers in the following configurations:


[Azure Automation] Source Control integration with Github
Posted by Florent Appointaire on May 24, 2019

Today I’ll explain a new feature that I discovered last during the PowerShell Saturday User Group in Paris, the integration between Azure Automation and Github. This integration will give you the possibility to have a control on your sources.


How to Add Google as an Identity Provider for B2B Azure Guest User
Posted by Nicolas Prigent on April 10, 2019

Azure AD Business-to-Business can initiate federation with google to allow users to use their own Google accounts to authenticate instead of using Microsoft Accounts.


[Azure] Store your data cheaply with archiving
Posted by Florent Appointaire on March 26, 2019

If you want to keep your files during X years, for legal reasons, and that they’re rarely accessed, you can use Azure storage account, with the Archive mode activated.
