
How to Add Google as an Identity Provider for B2B Azure Guest User

Posted by Nicolas Prigent on April 10, 2019

Azure AD Business-to-Business can initiate federation with google to allow users to use their own Google accounts to authenticate instead of using Microsoft Accounts.


In this article, I will explain how to use Azure AD business-to-business (B2B) collaboration to securely share your company’s applications and services with guest users and external partners. In this guide, I will create a relationship between my Azure Active Directory and Google.


In order to configure Google as an Identity Provider, you must check the following prerequisites:

  • You must have a valid Azure AD B2B subscription
  • You must be a global Azure AD Administrator
  • You must have a Google Account to create credentials at Google APIs. In my case, I will use the following account: to initiate the federation.
  • You must have a Google Account to test the federation. In my case, I will use to validate the federation.
  • You must copy and paste your Azure Active Directory ID as shown below:

copy and paste your Azure Active Directory ID as shown below

Open a web browser, and go to the following URL: Log in with your Google account dedicated for the federation. If you do not have an existing Google account, follow these steps to create the account:

Log in with your Google account dedicated for the federation

In the Dashboard home page, click “Create” to start a new project.

In the Dashboard home page, click "Create" to start a new project.

Enter a unique project name to identify the federation, and then click “Create“:

Enter a unique project name to identify the federation, and then click "Create"

Select this project in the drop down menu and navigate to “Credentials” section:

Select this project in the drop down menu and navigate to "Credentials" section

Now, select “OAuth consent screen” and enter a friendly name for this Application:

Now, select "OAuth consent screen" and enter a friendly name for this Application

Now, you must allow the “” domain in your project:

Now, you must allow the "" domain in your project

Click “Save” to apply these settings and go back to the “Credentials” tab. Click on “Create credentials” drop down menu and select “OAuth client ID

Click "Save" to apply these settings and go back to the "Credentials" tab. Click on "Create credentials" drop down menu and select "OAuth client ID"

Now, you must select “Web Application”, enter a friendly name for your Web App and then add the following URL:

  2. (xxxxx is your Azure AD ID – Remember the prerequisites at the beginning of the article!)
    you must select "Web Application", enter a friendly name for your Web App and then add the following URL

Click “Create” to apply these settings. A new Window will appear to generate your Client ID and your Client secret. You must copy and save it in a NotePad. You will need to use this ID in your Azure AD in order to initiate the relationship.

Click "Create" to apply these settings

We can now go to the Azure Portal in order to configure the federation. Go to the Azure Active Directory blade and select “Organizational relationships

Go to the Azure Active Directory blade and select "Organizational relationships"

Navigate to “Identity Providers” and click “Google

Navigate to "Identity Providers" and click "Google"

A new blade will appear. Enter the Client ID and Client secret that you saved previously in your NotePad.

A new blade will appear. Enter the Client ID and Client secret that you saved previously in your NotePad.

Wait a few seconds …

Wait a few seconds …

The configuration is done! The federation should work, so we must test the process.

First, you must check that you can invite users with a Gmail address. Go to “User settings” in the Azure AD blade:

Go to "User settings" in the Azure AD blade

Select the first option to allow invitations to be sent to any domain. You can select the second option, which is a black list, or select the third option, which is a white list.

Select the first option to allow invitations to be sent to any domain.

In my case, I want to manage easily my guest users, so I will create a group dedicated for this purpose.

create a group dedicated for this purpose

In this group, I will invite my Google guest user. Click “Add members

Click "Add members

Enter the email address with a personal message and click “Invite

Enter the email address with a personal message and click "Invite"

Wait a few seconds …

Wait a few seconds …

I can confirm that my Google guest user is member of this group:

I can confirm that my Google guest user is member of this group:

Check the Google mailbox and you will notice a new email as shown below:

Check the Google mailbox and you will notice a new email as shown below

Click “Get Started” or just go to the following URL: Here, you must replace “xxxxxxxxxx” with your Azure verified domain. Why? It is a limitation because guest users are not able to sign in if the tenant context is missing.

Click "Get Started"

Click “Next“, and you will notice that you will be redirected from the Azure login to Google login:

Click "Next", and you will notice that you will be redirected from the Azure login to Google login

To finish, click “Next” to be redirected to the Azure Applications Portal:

To finish, click "Next"

Ok, so my guest user can access to the Applications Portal. I will now assign an Application to my guest user. I will not explain in this article how to assign an application to a user, so here I will assign WordPress. I just need to assign this App to the B2B group called “Groupe_B2B”.

need to assign this App to the B2B group called "Groupe_B2B"

Now, if I refresh the home page, I can notice the WordPress Application.

WordPress Application

I can also monitor some interesting information about my guest user such as the number of user sign-ins.

monitor some interesting information about my guest user

If you go back to users section, you can now see “Google” in the source list.

If you go back to users section, you can now see "Google" in the source list


Thanks to the Azure B2B Identity Provider, you can easily add Google as an identity provider, and then you can use Google accounts to log in to your Azure Infrastructure. This new feature is so cool, because you do not need to create an account in your Azure Active Directory.

If you need more information about pricing, you can read this article:

If your guest users must access to paid services, please read the following article about licensing:

Thanks for reading!

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