How to connect to AWS EC2 Ubuntu Server instance via SSH and RDS
Posted by Mikhail Rodionov on October 2, 2019

In this article we will have a look at the process of setting up a connection to AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu Server over internet (read “outside of Amazon cloud”/ “from anywhere”). More specifically, we will be looking at required settings and on how to initialize connection to Ubuntu EC2 instance from Windows client machine.


Getting started with MySQL on Amazon RDS
Posted by Mikhail Rodionov on June 21, 2019

I’ve recently started to explore MySQL as a potential backend option for my custom web application pet project. Earlier, I’ve already wrote an article about installing AMP stack on Ubuntu Server, and as a logical next step I decided to explore PaaS option which allows you to get MySQL as a service from Amazon as potentially better option for large scale projects or for those who focusing on building “serverless” architectures on AWS platform. In this little article I will cover basics of Amazon RDS MySQL offering and explain how to create your first MySQL instance and connect to it.
